Home Web Information Systems and data publishing tools for Joomla http://www.wis.ro/index.php/feed/atom.html 2024-05-05T20:30:45Z Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management WISroGIS Webris 4 rev.1 released 2013-04-15T00:00:00Z 2013-04-15T00:00:00Z http://www.wis.ro/index.php/News/wisrogis-webris-4-out-of-the-box-joomla-3-compatible.html Cristi Teodoreanu cristi.teodoreanu@gmail.com <p>November 06, 2013: <strong>WISroGIS Webris 4 rev.1 released</strong><strong> </strong></p> <div style="float: right; width: 200px;"> <h4>Order now and <br />get 15% OFF !</h4> {product_snapshot:id=66,showname=y,showimage=y,showdesc=n,showprice=n,quantity=1,showaddtocart=n,displaylist=v,displayeach=h,width=150,border=0,style=color:black;,align=center}</div> <p><code> November 06, 2013 - WISroGIS Webris 4 rev.1 - <strong>revision history</strong> <br /> * 0000410: [Feature] jQuery no conflict fix <br /> * 0000409: [GIS] Google Maps v3 - map types JS error <br /> * 0000408: [Interface] Error messages for missing API keys not visible on Joomla 3 <br /> * 0000407: [Bug] Fatal error: Class 'JElement' not found <br /> * 0000396: [Bug] Incorrect version info in backend - 4 alpha instead of 4 rev.0 <br /> * 0000404: [Bug] Fix gray map - faulty load internal load of extensions <br /> * 0000406: [Bug] Strict standards and notices fixes <br /> * 0000405: [Bug] Yahoo script incorrect path </code></p> <p>April 30, 2013: <strong>WISroGIS Webris 4 is launched</strong>, <strong>Joomla 3 compatible </strong>!<strong><br /></strong></p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><code> April 30, 2013 - WISroGIS Webris 4 rev.0<br /> * 0000341: [Feature] WISroGIS - Joomla 3 compatibility<br /> * 0000299: [Feature] Map data loading animation<br /> * 0000364: [Feature] Maps &amp; Layers Manager: search filter applied also to entries description<br /> * 0000365: [Feature] Map and Layers checkin button<br /> * 0000347: [GIS] Zoom in the map to cluster elements when clicking a cluster<br /> * 0000265: [GIS] Overview map usage note (OpenStreetMap layer required)<br /> * 0000340: [General] PHP Strict standards<br /> * 0000393: [Interface] CSS image size issues (backend Google Map positioning) on J3 admin template<br /> * 0000362: [Bug] Header strip issues on some servers for scripts loading (map page)<br /> * 0000303: [Bug] Maps ordering by name not functioning in backend (Maps Manager)<br /> * 0000353: [Bug] IE8 - 31-stylesheet limit and VML error ("Invalid Argument" exception)    <br /> </code></p> <p>November 06, 2013: <strong>WISroGIS Webris 4 rev.1 released</strong><strong> </strong></p> <div style="float: right; width: 200px;"> <h4>Order now and <br />get 15% OFF !</h4> {product_snapshot:id=66,showname=y,showimage=y,showdesc=n,showprice=n,quantity=1,showaddtocart=n,displaylist=v,displayeach=h,width=150,border=0,style=color:black;,align=center}</div> <p><code> November 06, 2013 - WISroGIS Webris 4 rev.1 - <strong>revision history</strong> <br /> * 0000410: [Feature] jQuery no conflict fix <br /> * 0000409: [GIS] Google Maps v3 - map types JS error <br /> * 0000408: [Interface] Error messages for missing API keys not visible on Joomla 3 <br /> * 0000407: [Bug] Fatal error: Class 'JElement' not found <br /> * 0000396: [Bug] Incorrect version info in backend - 4 alpha instead of 4 rev.0 <br /> * 0000404: [Bug] Fix gray map - faulty load internal load of extensions <br /> * 0000406: [Bug] Strict standards and notices fixes <br /> * 0000405: [Bug] Yahoo script incorrect path </code></p> <p>April 30, 2013: <strong>WISroGIS Webris 4 is launched</strong>, <strong>Joomla 3 compatible </strong>!<strong><br /></strong></p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><code> April 30, 2013 - WISroGIS Webris 4 rev.0<br /> * 0000341: [Feature] WISroGIS - Joomla 3 compatibility<br /> * 0000299: [Feature] Map data loading animation<br /> * 0000364: [Feature] Maps &amp; Layers Manager: search filter applied also to entries description<br /> * 0000365: [Feature] Map and Layers checkin button<br /> * 0000347: [GIS] Zoom in the map to cluster elements when clicking a cluster<br /> * 0000265: [GIS] Overview map usage note (OpenStreetMap layer required)<br /> * 0000340: [General] PHP Strict standards<br /> * 0000393: [Interface] CSS image size issues (backend Google Map positioning) on J3 admin template<br /> * 0000362: [Bug] Header strip issues on some servers for scripts loading (map page)<br /> * 0000303: [Bug] Maps ordering by name not functioning in backend (Maps Manager)<br /> * 0000353: [Bug] IE8 - 31-stylesheet limit and VML error ("Invalid Argument" exception)    <br /> </code></p> Ekonomys 8 out of the box: endless tickers ! 2013-04-15T00:00:00Z 2013-04-15T00:00:00Z http://www.wis.ro/index.php/News/ekonomys-8-out-of-the-box-endless-tickers.html Cristi Teodoreanu cristi.teodoreanu@gmail.com <p>April 15, 2013: <strong>Ekonomys 8 is launched</strong>, <strong>featuring jQuery endless tickers </strong>!<strong><br /></strong></p> <div style="float: right; width: 200px;"> <h4>Read more and order now !</h4> {product_snapshot:id=81,showname=y,showimage=y,showdesc=n,showprice=n,quantity=1,showaddtocart=n,displaylist=v,displayeach=h,width=150,border=0,style=color:black;,align=center}</div> <p><strong>April 15, 2013 - </strong>Revision History <code> </code></p> <p><code> April 15, 2013 - Ekonomys 8 rev.0<br /> * NEW ! jQuery endless tickers for Quotes, Currencies, Futures with auto table/inline layout for static/scroller setup<br /> * 0000387: [Feature] Endless jQuerry scroller for tickers<br /> * 0000388: [Feature] Unique ID removed - automatically using module ID instead    <br /> * 0000389: [Bug] Joomla 3: Error when selecting symbol for menu item    <br /> </code></p> <p>April 15, 2013: <strong>Ekonomys 8 is launched</strong>, <strong>featuring jQuery endless tickers </strong>!<strong><br /></strong></p> <div style="float: right; width: 200px;"> <h4>Read more and order now !</h4> {product_snapshot:id=81,showname=y,showimage=y,showdesc=n,showprice=n,quantity=1,showaddtocart=n,displaylist=v,displayeach=h,width=150,border=0,style=color:black;,align=center}</div> <p><strong>April 15, 2013 - </strong>Revision History <code> </code></p> <p><code> April 15, 2013 - Ekonomys 8 rev.0<br /> * NEW ! jQuery endless tickers for Quotes, Currencies, Futures with auto table/inline layout for static/scroller setup<br /> * 0000387: [Feature] Endless jQuerry scroller for tickers<br /> * 0000388: [Feature] Unique ID removed - automatically using module ID instead    <br /> * 0000389: [Bug] Joomla 3: Error when selecting symbol for menu item    <br /> </code></p> Ekonomys 7 rev.3: revision history 2012-12-10T00:00:00Z 2012-12-10T00:00:00Z http://www.wis.ro/index.php/News/ekonomys-7-rev-3-change-log.html Cristi Teodoreanu cristi.teodoreanu@gmail.com <p>10 December 2012: <strong>Ekonomys 7 rev. 3</strong> <strong>out of the box, Joomla 3 compatible </strong>!<strong><br /></strong></p> <div style="float: right; width: 200px;"> <h4>Read more and order now !</h4> {product_snapshot:id=78,showname=y,showimage=y,showdesc=n,showprice=n,quantity=1,showaddtocart=n,displaylist=v,displayeach=h,width=150,border=0,style=color:black;,align=center}</div> <p><strong>December 10, 2012 - </strong>Revision History <code> </code></p> <p><code> December 10, 2012 - Ekonomys 7 rev.3<br />* 0000350: [Feature] Ekonomys component - Joomla 3 compatibility<br />* 0000351: [Feature] Ekonomys plugin - Show/hide Header information<br />* 0000352: [Feature] Ekonomys plugin - Show Header details by the symbol's link - Yahoo Inc (Last Trade: 18.89, Change: 0.00 ....) <br />* 0000355: [Feature] Symbols converted to uppercase and space-trimmed in User Portfolio and backend Symbols Manager forms<br />* 0000354: [Bug] Missing backend Ekonomys control panel icons in Joomla 2.5.x    <br /> </code></p> <p>10 December 2012: <strong>Ekonomys 7 rev. 3</strong> <strong>out of the box, Joomla 3 compatible </strong>!<strong><br /></strong></p> <div style="float: right; width: 200px;"> <h4>Read more and order now !</h4> {product_snapshot:id=78,showname=y,showimage=y,showdesc=n,showprice=n,quantity=1,showaddtocart=n,displaylist=v,displayeach=h,width=150,border=0,style=color:black;,align=center}</div> <p><strong>December 10, 2012 - </strong>Revision History <code> </code></p> <p><code> December 10, 2012 - Ekonomys 7 rev.3<br />* 0000350: [Feature] Ekonomys component - Joomla 3 compatibility<br />* 0000351: [Feature] Ekonomys plugin - Show/hide Header information<br />* 0000352: [Feature] Ekonomys plugin - Show Header details by the symbol's link - Yahoo Inc (Last Trade: 18.89, Change: 0.00 ....) <br />* 0000355: [Feature] Symbols converted to uppercase and space-trimmed in User Portfolio and backend Symbols Manager forms<br />* 0000354: [Bug] Missing backend Ekonomys control panel icons in Joomla 2.5.x    <br /> </code></p> Ekonomys 7: Tickers for Joomla 3 ! 2012-08-14T00:00:00Z 2012-08-14T00:00:00Z http://www.wis.ro/index.php/News/ekonomys-7-modules-for-joomla-3-released.html Cristi Teodoreanu cristi.teodoreanu@gmail.com <p>November 2012: Ekonomys 7 released<strong> </strong>!<strong><br /></strong></p> <h4>Key features:</h4> <p><img src="http://www1.wis.ro/images/slideshow/EkonomysTickersPack.jpg" border="0" width="242" height="87" style="border: 0; float: right; margin: 5px;" /></p> <ul> <li><em><strong>All AJAX tickers are now compatible with Joomla 3 !</strong></em></li> <li>More than <strong>50 financial parameters</strong> to be displayed</li> <li><strong>Category </strong>managed symbols with<strong> sort options</strong> and <strong>intraday chart</strong></li> <li><strong>Symbol detailed</strong> information page with customizable parameters display</li> <li><strong>Customizable chart</strong> size, type and the data source</li> <li>Addaptive <strong>news listing in category and/or symbol pages</strong></li> <li><strong>User portfolios management</strong></li> <li><strong>Stocks Search</strong> Module </li> <li>Insert <strong>stock information/link into articles</strong> - content plugin</li> <li> <strong>Technical Analysis</strong></li> <li><strong>Historical Prices</strong></li> </ul> <div style="float: left; width: 175px;"> <h4>Read more and order now !</h4> {product_snapshot:id=81,showname=y,showimage=y,showdesc=n,showprice=n,quantity=1,showaddtocart=n,displaylist=v,displayeach=h,width=150,border=0,style=color:black;,align=center}</div> <p><strong>November 14, 2012 - Ekonomys 7 rev.0</strong> - Revision History <code> </code></p> <p><code> * 0000327: Ekonomys News - Joomla 3 compatible<br />* 0000326: Ekonomys Currencies - Joomla 3 compatible <br />* 0000325: Ekonomys Futures - Joomla 3 compatible <br />* 0000324: Ekonomys Quotes - Joomla 3 compatible <br />* 0000323: Cache storage changes &amp; optimization <br />* 0000321: Symbol details 404 error <br />* 0000322: Italian language file encoding <br />* 0000281: Historical prices table headings problem</code></p> <p>November 2012: Ekonomys 7 released<strong> </strong>!<strong><br /></strong></p> <h4>Key features:</h4> <p><img src="http://www1.wis.ro/images/slideshow/EkonomysTickersPack.jpg" border="0" width="242" height="87" style="border: 0; float: right; margin: 5px;" /></p> <ul> <li><em><strong>All AJAX tickers are now compatible with Joomla 3 !</strong></em></li> <li>More than <strong>50 financial parameters</strong> to be displayed</li> <li><strong>Category </strong>managed symbols with<strong> sort options</strong> and <strong>intraday chart</strong></li> <li><strong>Symbol detailed</strong> information page with customizable parameters display</li> <li><strong>Customizable chart</strong> size, type and the data source</li> <li>Addaptive <strong>news listing in category and/or symbol pages</strong></li> <li><strong>User portfolios management</strong></li> <li><strong>Stocks Search</strong> Module </li> <li>Insert <strong>stock information/link into articles</strong> - content plugin</li> <li> <strong>Technical Analysis</strong></li> <li><strong>Historical Prices</strong></li> </ul> <div style="float: left; width: 175px;"> <h4>Read more and order now !</h4> {product_snapshot:id=81,showname=y,showimage=y,showdesc=n,showprice=n,quantity=1,showaddtocart=n,displaylist=v,displayeach=h,width=150,border=0,style=color:black;,align=center}</div> <p><strong>November 14, 2012 - Ekonomys 7 rev.0</strong> - Revision History <code> </code></p> <p><code> * 0000327: Ekonomys News - Joomla 3 compatible<br />* 0000326: Ekonomys Currencies - Joomla 3 compatible <br />* 0000325: Ekonomys Futures - Joomla 3 compatible <br />* 0000324: Ekonomys Quotes - Joomla 3 compatible <br />* 0000323: Cache storage changes &amp; optimization <br />* 0000321: Symbol details 404 error <br />* 0000322: Italian language file encoding <br />* 0000281: Historical prices table headings problem</code></p> Ekonomys - Features Comparison Matrix 2010-02-17T06:51:18Z 2010-02-17T06:51:18Z http://www.wis.ro/index.php/technical-information/features-comparison-matrix-ekonomys-financial-joomla-extensions.html Cristi Teodoreanu cristi.teodoreanu@gmail.com <div class="box-hint"> <p><strong>Ekonomys </strong><strong>Power Pack</strong><strong> (former WISro Yahoo Finance Power Pack)</strong> is a package that contains <strong>all</strong> Ekonomys extensions for Joomla.</p> <p>Please read the full article to see the features and comparison matrix for the Ekonomys extensions.</p> <div class="box-hint"> <p><strong>Ekonomys </strong><strong>Power Pack</strong><strong> (former WISro Yahoo Finance Power Pack)</strong> is a package that contains <strong>all</strong> Ekonomys extensions for Joomla.</p> <p>Please read the full article to see the features and comparison matrix for the Ekonomys extensions.</p> WISroGIS 3.5 Released ! 2012-08-14T00:00:00Z 2012-08-14T00:00:00Z http://www.wis.ro/index.php/news/august-2012-wisrogis-for-joomla.html Cristi Teodoreanu cristi.teodoreanu@gmail.com <div style="float: left; width: 175px;"> <h4>Read more and order !</h4> {product_snapshot:id=66,showname=y,showimage=y,showdesc=n,showprice=n,quantity=1,showaddtocart=n,displaylist=v,displayeach=h,width=150,border=0,style=color:black;,align=center}</div> <p>August 2012: <strong>WISroGIS Webris </strong>3.5 is now available !<strong><br /></strong></p> <h4>Key features:</h4> <ul> <li><strong>OpenLayers 2.12</strong> core JavaScript upgrade</li> <li>Set <strong>title</strong>, <strong>description </strong>and <strong>keywords </strong>(list of layers) tags for <strong>map pages</strong></li> <li>Added <strong>keyboard control</strong> for the map (enabled from map's configuration)</li> <li><strong>Layer Switcher</strong> (map legend): <strong>external </strong>option in map configuration</li> <li>VirtualEarth layers switched to Bing since OpenLayers 2.12</li> </ul> <p><strong>August 14, 2012 - WISroGIS Webris 3.5 rev.0</strong> - Revision History <code> </code></p> <p><code> * 0000289: [GIS] OpenLayers 2.12 core JavaScript upgrade<br /> * 0000298: [Feature] Set title, description and keywords (list of layers) tags for map pages<br /> * 0000286: [Feature] GPX tracks style note (lines not visible with default symbolizer line)<br /> * 0000288: [GIS] Zoomify layer not showing data<br /> * 0000302: [GIS] Google 3D Map not functioning<br /> * 0000297: [GIS] Added keyboard control for the map (enabled from map's configuration)<br /> * 0000285: [GIS] Layer Switcher (map legend) external option in map configuration<br /> * 0000291: [GIS] VirtualEarth layers switched to Bing since OpenLayers 2.12<br /> * 0000293: [GIS] Removed Bing (Virtual Earth) API Version from configuration<br /> * 0000292: [GIS] Added Bing API Key. !!! Existing Bing layers (including samples) need to be edited and saved in backend to function properly<br /> * 0000294: [GIS] Removed Bing Shaded layer from sample data<br /> * 0000301: [GIS] Area measurement errors (geodesic option not checked by default)<br /> * 0000283: [Interface] Lightbox problems on Joomla 2.5<br /> * 0000296: [Interface] Fixed top-right corner bubble image<br /> * 0000284: [Interface] Spanish language - plugin missing labels translations<br /> * 0000290: [Interface] MouseToolbar changed to NavToolbar in OpenLayers 2.12 <br /> * 0000287: [Bug] Single quote encoding in placemarks description</code></p> <div style="float: left; width: 175px;"> <h4>Read more and order !</h4> {product_snapshot:id=66,showname=y,showimage=y,showdesc=n,showprice=n,quantity=1,showaddtocart=n,displaylist=v,displayeach=h,width=150,border=0,style=color:black;,align=center}</div> <p>August 2012: <strong>WISroGIS Webris </strong>3.5 is now available !<strong><br /></strong></p> <h4>Key features:</h4> <ul> <li><strong>OpenLayers 2.12</strong> core JavaScript upgrade</li> <li>Set <strong>title</strong>, <strong>description </strong>and <strong>keywords </strong>(list of layers) tags for <strong>map pages</strong></li> <li>Added <strong>keyboard control</strong> for the map (enabled from map's configuration)</li> <li><strong>Layer Switcher</strong> (map legend): <strong>external </strong>option in map configuration</li> <li>VirtualEarth layers switched to Bing since OpenLayers 2.12</li> </ul> <p><strong>August 14, 2012 - WISroGIS Webris 3.5 rev.0</strong> - Revision History <code> </code></p> <p><code> * 0000289: [GIS] OpenLayers 2.12 core JavaScript upgrade<br /> * 0000298: [Feature] Set title, description and keywords (list of layers) tags for map pages<br /> * 0000286: [Feature] GPX tracks style note (lines not visible with default symbolizer line)<br /> * 0000288: [GIS] Zoomify layer not showing data<br /> * 0000302: [GIS] Google 3D Map not functioning<br /> * 0000297: [GIS] Added keyboard control for the map (enabled from map's configuration)<br /> * 0000285: [GIS] Layer Switcher (map legend) external option in map configuration<br /> * 0000291: [GIS] VirtualEarth layers switched to Bing since OpenLayers 2.12<br /> * 0000293: [GIS] Removed Bing (Virtual Earth) API Version from configuration<br /> * 0000292: [GIS] Added Bing API Key. !!! Existing Bing layers (including samples) need to be edited and saved in backend to function properly<br /> * 0000294: [GIS] Removed Bing Shaded layer from sample data<br /> * 0000301: [GIS] Area measurement errors (geodesic option not checked by default)<br /> * 0000283: [Interface] Lightbox problems on Joomla 2.5<br /> * 0000296: [Interface] Fixed top-right corner bubble image<br /> * 0000284: [Interface] Spanish language - plugin missing labels translations<br /> * 0000290: [Interface] MouseToolbar changed to NavToolbar in OpenLayers 2.12 <br /> * 0000287: [Bug] Single quote encoding in placemarks description</code></p> Ekonomys 6 rev.7 released 2012-05-14T00:00:00Z 2012-05-14T00:00:00Z http://www.wis.ro/index.php/news/may-2012-ekonomys-for-joomla-25.html Cristi Teodoreanu cristi.teodoreanu@gmail.com <p><strong>May 14, 2012 - Ekonomys 6 rev.7</strong></p> <p><code> May 14, 2012 - Ekonomys 6 rev.7<br /> * 0000277: Futures Symbols - Delivery Months for commodities (Grains &amp; Soy, Meats, Softs &amp; Fibers, Currencies, Indices, Interest Rates)    <br /> <br />March 08, 2012 - Ekonomys 6 rev.5<br /> * 0000259: [Bug] No news - PHP warning display in frontend<br /> * 0000227: [Bug] Language detection issue (language file renaming)<br /> * 0000258: [Bug] Drop WISroYQ data structures upgrade routine<br /><br />February 17, 2012 - Ekonomys 6 rev.4<br /> * 0000246: [Feature] Add news to Technical Analysis/Historical Prices<br /> * 0000238: [Feature] Limit the number of news stories displayed<br /> * 0000245: [Bug] First installation SQLs omission</code></p> <p><strong>May 14, 2012 - Ekonomys 6 rev.7</strong></p> <p><code> May 14, 2012 - Ekonomys 6 rev.7<br /> * 0000277: Futures Symbols - Delivery Months for commodities (Grains &amp; Soy, Meats, Softs &amp; Fibers, Currencies, Indices, Interest Rates)    <br /> <br />March 08, 2012 - Ekonomys 6 rev.5<br /> * 0000259: [Bug] No news - PHP warning display in frontend<br /> * 0000227: [Bug] Language detection issue (language file renaming)<br /> * 0000258: [Bug] Drop WISroYQ data structures upgrade routine<br /><br />February 17, 2012 - Ekonomys 6 rev.4<br /> * 0000246: [Feature] Add news to Technical Analysis/Historical Prices<br /> * 0000238: [Feature] Limit the number of news stories displayed<br /> * 0000245: [Bug] First installation SQLs omission</code></p> Ekonomys 6 rev.7: improved Futures 2012-05-14T00:00:00Z 2012-05-14T00:00:00Z http://www.wis.ro/index.php/news/ekonomys-6-rev-7-out-of-the-box.html Cristi Teodoreanu cristi.teodoreanu@gmail.com <p><strong>May 2012</strong>: version 6 rev.7 of Ekonomys is now released, featuring <strong>Futures Symbols</strong> and <strong>Delivery Months</strong> for commodities.</p> <ul> <li>Grains &amp; Soy; </li> <li>Meats; </li> <li>Softs &amp; Fibers; </li> <li>Currencies; </li> <li>Indices; </li> <li>Interest Rates. </li> </ul> <p>The commodities can be <strong>added directly </strong>in the Ekonomys Futures tickers using their listed symbols (see full article); there is no need to add the <strong>delivery month/year</strong> as these are <strong>automatically computed</strong> using the ticker's time offset (next available month will be shown by default).</p> <p>See <strong><a href="http://finance.wis.ro/index.php/wisro-ekonomys-yahoo-futures-ticker" target="_blank">here </a></strong>to see the <strong>demo tickers</strong> for the newly added Futures symbols. Read full article to view the list of futures</p> <p><strong>May 2012</strong>: version 6 rev.7 of Ekonomys is now released, featuring <strong>Futures Symbols</strong> and <strong>Delivery Months</strong> for commodities.</p> <ul> <li>Grains &amp; Soy; </li> <li>Meats; </li> <li>Softs &amp; Fibers; </li> <li>Currencies; </li> <li>Indices; </li> <li>Interest Rates. </li> </ul> <p>The commodities can be <strong>added directly </strong>in the Ekonomys Futures tickers using their listed symbols (see full article); there is no need to add the <strong>delivery month/year</strong> as these are <strong>automatically computed</strong> using the ticker's time offset (next available month will be shown by default).</p> <p>See <strong><a href="http://finance.wis.ro/index.php/wisro-ekonomys-yahoo-futures-ticker" target="_blank">here </a></strong>to see the <strong>demo tickers</strong> for the newly added Futures symbols. Read full article to view the list of futures</p> WISroGIS now available in Italian ! 2012-04-09T00:00:00Z 2012-04-09T00:00:00Z http://www.wis.ro/index.php/news/wisrogis-34-italian-translation.html Cristi Teodoreanu cristi.teodoreanu@gmail.com <p>April 2012: WISroGIS 3.4 rev.1 brings fully translated<strong> Italian interface</strong>.</p> <p>Thank you, <a href="http://www.maxwebtrento.it/" target="_blank">Massimo</a>, for your hard work !</p> <p>April 2012: WISroGIS 3.4 rev.1 brings fully translated<strong> Italian interface</strong>.</p> <p>Thank you, <a href="http://www.maxwebtrento.it/" target="_blank">Massimo</a>, for your hard work !</p> WISroGIS 3.4 rev.4 out of the box 2012-05-16T00:00:00Z 2012-05-16T00:00:00Z http://www.wis.ro/index.php/news/wisrogis-34-out-of-the-box.html Cristi Teodoreanu cristi.teodoreanu@gmail.com <p>May 2012: version 3.4 of WISroGIS is now released, featuring new core JavaScript library: OpenLayers 2.11. See the full revision history for version 3.4</p> <p>May 2012: version 3.4 of WISroGIS is now released, featuring new core JavaScript library: OpenLayers 2.11. See the full revision history for version 3.4</p>
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